Letter to Editor: Go camping!

Haliburton Scout Reserve in Ontario

July 7, 2022
Jack Alton
Junior at Pickerington Central High School

My name is Jack and today I’m going to tell you about why camping is a great way to explore nature.  I started camping in 2012 when I was in first grade. Camping has always been and will always be one of my favorite things to do, especially if it’s my first time there.

My favorite camp was Camp Haliburton up in Canada. Haliburton was my first camping trip outside of the U.S. and the view of the stars at night was absolutely magnificent. That’s another thing about camping, the views at night or during the day are amazing. When you go camping, there to appreciate nature and not be on your electronics. 

However, there are some campouts that I do not like, for instance in 2021 my scout troop went to an island off the coast of North Carolina. That campout was wet, sandy, and cold. Thirty degrees on an island while it is raining is not fun, so check the weather before you go on a camping trip. 

Alex Boder, James Russell, Jack Alton and Ben Castoe camping in Haliburton, Ontario.

I highly suggest going on a camping trip before you go to college or before you pass.

Fishing near the Wilds in Cumberland, Ohio
Hike to a frozen waterfall while camping in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.
BSA Troop 256 on the ferry to Bear Island, North Carolina in February 2021.

Hello Jack,

Thank you for writing to us about camping. You have definitely gone on some incredible trips. Joining a Cub Scout or BSA Troop like you have done is a great way to experience the outdoors without having to buy a lot of equipment. Most Boy Scout Troops provide tents and camp stoves as well as other essentials.

Thanks again for sharing your experience!

Sincerely, Pickerington Online