Letter to the Editor – Prevent Delinquency

April 29, 2022
From Kyla Whiteman

University of Dayton Senior &
Pickerington Central Alum

We need to talk about prevention of juvenile delinquency and restorative justice. The youth are impressionable and just about anything that surrounds them influences them. American sociologist Edwin Sutherland suggests a theory that deviance is learned through daily contact, and observation. That being said there are areas that can be focused on in order to prevent/deter juvenile delinquency. Starting with addressing the risk factors in places such as community, school, family, peers, ecologically, and psychologically.

To administer prevention there could be parent training, preschool programs, skills training cognitive therapy training programs, anti-bullying programs, mentoring programs, and the list continues. Note that not all prevention efforts are successful. Restorative justice focuses on reparation of the victim and the community. In a fully restorative type of justice there are peace circles, family group conferencing, and community conferencing. To prevent or discourage delinquency it requires not just the juvenile but the community as well.